Asia Link
As a church we financially and prayerfully support the work of Asia Link, who are passionate about those who have little or no opportunity to hear the gospel, 75% of whom live in Asia. We love how they intentionally partner with indigenous believers who know the language and already understand the culture.
About Asia Link
Over 3 billion people remain totally unreached by the gospel, they have no Bible, no local church and no Christian witness.
Asia Link partner with indigenous church planters, evangelists and organisations to bring the good news of Jesus to unreached people groups and support the growth of the church across Asia.
Projects range from church planting and leadership training to orphanages and disaster relief. Some of partners distribute Bibles, whilst others rescue women from slavery. Some feed the hungry and some provide shelter for refugees.
Pray for Asia Link and the Projects they are involved in!
Click here details on their projects and how you can intentionally pray.