by Bridge Church | Oct 16, 2019 | Church News
Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner will take place on Saturday 30th November in The Bridge. It is always a great night and you are very welcome to join us! If you plan to attend please let us know (we don’t want to run out of food or seats!!)
by Bridge Church | Oct 9, 2019 | Church News
There are big things happening in our small groups – we meet in Strabane, Sion Mills, Artigarvan and Magheramason An ‘Engage Group’ is a small group of people who meet each week to chat, discuss God’s Word, and get to know Him better. The groups are purposely informal...
by Bridge Church | Sep 15, 2019 | Church News
We are looking forward to our first ever C H U R C H W E E K E N D away to Castlewellan Castle from the 27-29th September 2019 Don’t forget to pay your remaining balance to Elaine. There will be no church service in the Bridge on Sunday 29th...
by Bridge Church | Sep 2, 2019 | Church News
Our Engage Study groups start back week beginning 9th September An ‘Engage Group’ is a small group of people who meet each week to chat, discuss God’s Word, and get to know Him better. The groups are purposely informal and accessible for everyone, regardless of where...
by Bridge Church | Sep 2, 2019 | Church News
We’re back from our summer break and would love to see you this Friday! Our drop in cafe will be open every Friday between 10.30am – 2.30pm. Relax and have a freshly brewed coffee or tea with one of our treats .