It’s that time of year again … Shoebox season is here!
We have a great opportunity to bless kids in other countries this Christmas through the Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box Appeal with Operation Christmas Child.
Want to get involved? Grab a shoebox, fill it with goodies and get it back to us by Sun the 1st November at the latest.
Wondering what to pack in your shoebox gift this year? Check out the gift suggestions and guidelines here:
The samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoebox appeal aims to show God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Since 1990, more than 178 million children in over 160 countries have experienced God’s love through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child. This year the shoebox appeal will take place during the month of October.
If you would like to take part simply follow the steps below.
1. Find a medium sized shoebox: wrap it, attach the label for a boy or girl and select the age category. (We have a limited number of boxes available in church)
2. Fill your box with gifts: Fun toys, Hygiene items, School supplies, If possible, include one or two special items you know a child will love such as a doll, cuddly toy or deflated football with pump. Please do not include any liquids, toothpaste or sweets. For all the acceptable gifts follow this link:
3. Donate £5: This is to cover the shipping cost of the box and also provide funding for the distribution of the boxes in the receiving country. – You can include the donation in your shoebox as cash or cheque in the envelopes provided with the shoebox leaflet- Or you can complete your donation online and print a barcode for your box. This will track your box and you will receive an email in the new year telling you what country your shoebox was delivered in. Follow this link to donate online:
4. Personalise your box by adding a hand-written card or including a photo, pray for the child who will receive your box.
5. Return your box to church on any Sunday until the 1st of November.For further details about the project and instructions please see the Samaritains Purse website: